Fix Hammersmith Bridge Urgently!
Fix Hammersmith Bridge Urgently!
Local residents deserve to have a say on the future of the bridge after years of disruption to their lives.
Hammersmith Bridge has been shut for over four years now. The Conservative Government and Labour local council continue to argue rather than getting on with fixing the bridge.
Rather than recognising how important our bridge is to families and businesses, it seems they would rather keep squabbling.
The Conservatives say that the Council must pay a major chunk of the repair cost themselves. Labour say that to reopen the bridge they will need to impose a toll, but have not given any clarity on how this might work.
Local Lib Dem campaigner Nicola Horlick said “Labour and the Conservatives should stop playing politics with our bridge and cut a funding deal to repair and reopen it as soon as possible. It is shameful that the saga has dragged on this long”.
Reopen Hammersmith Bridge ASAP, with input from local residents!
We the undersigned, demand that Hammersmith & Fulham Council and the Government propose a final plan for reopening Hammersmith Bridge urgently. Local residents must be given the chance to have their say on it.